Digitally fit in education

digitally up-to-date in 5 afternoons

A bespoke program especially tailored for education

Starting 1 November 2022

Do you work with a touch screen, online lesson plans, student progress tracking, an online learning environment, and with the current generation?

So you are providing education that is in line with the media-rich world your students are growing up in?

Please read on!

Our brains are getting overloaded

Every day we are bombarded with stimuli. We even go out of our way to find more. Add to that the fact that we have no idea how to store all this gathered information, let alone how to find it when we did store it.

These are the cost of our behavior:

  • We are annually searching for 240 hours

  • We are compensating for what we lost or forgot for 40 days out of the year

  • We are wasting between 40 and 400 hours a year inefficiently messing around with our computers

Not only is this happening at our mental fitness expense, but it is also impairing our effectiveness

Working with ICT tools and means can be done faster, more efficiently, more practical, and more fun!
In other words: you can save loads of time and head space if you use them to your benefit.

The solution is not a class in time management or smarter email practices or an extra deep dive into Microsoft 365…

The solution lies deeper.

You don’t become physically fit by reading a book about running or listening to a runner talking about running on a stage. You are going to have to put one foot in front of the other yourself.

Digital Fitness in education

November 2022

With a mix of practical tips, tricks, inspiration, and easy fixes, we will get you digitally fit!

In 5 weeks we will show you a different “working” reality, through 5 masterclasses, and a wealth of course materials. In addition, you will have access to two of our Knowledge Café sessions, per month, for an entire year.

This is how you will achieve your digital fitness!

Who is this for?

It doesn’t matter if you work on a Windows or an Apple machine or whether or not you are allowed to install software by your boss. Digitally fit in education is meant for anyone who feels like they are not getting the most out of their digital tools. Most importantly, you have to be willing to change and improve your behaviors.

To whom this does NOT concern:

  • People who are obligated by their boss to learn new digital skills, but actually don’t want to do it.

  • People who do want to become digitally fit, but don’t want to make the time for it.

What will you get?

  • 5 masterclasses to inspire you and get you going

  • You will become part of our very accommodating community

  • Unlimited access to our digital courses packed with how-to’s, practical insights, and original tips and tricks

  • An official certificate of participation

  • Elke maand 2 praktische Kenniscafé-sessies, waar je nieuwe kennis en ideeën opdoet en er ruimte is voor al je vragen

  • Access to two of our Knowledge Café sessions, per month, where you can ask questions, and get new ideas.

Study load

Next to 5 sessions lasting 1,5 hours, on average about 15 minutes per work day, for 5 weeks. Those 15 minutes are meant as a time to really get to work and really get the new habits down.


All sessions on and offline will be recorded and made available!

  • 1 - Digital Awareness
    1 November, 4:00-5:30 P.M.
    We will get to know each other a bit better and then we’ll get to work. Having all your digital tools ready is advisable. During this session are going to take a look at digital awareness. What impact does the network and information society have on your work and personal life?

  • 2 - Digitale hygiëne
    8 November, 4:00-5:30 P.M.
    With Digital Hygiene we can talk about security, like passwords and two-step authentication, but also about making back-ups and updates. A big part of this topic is guarding and maintaining focus, your own and that of your team, by doing digital clean-ups and setting up guidelines for the use of email, for instance. With these practical tips and tricks, you can give your digital hygiene a huge boost!

  • 3 - Digital skills
    15 November, 4:00-5:30 P.M.
    A lack of digital skills can cost an average knowledge worker a minimum of 200 hours annually. 200! That not only means a time drain but also a drain on energy and resilience, which can be regained by updating your digital skills. It means knowing which digital tools are relevant to you and knowing how they actually work. You’ll (re-)discover tools that can save you time, make you more effective, and give you more head space!

  • 4 - Personal Knowledge Management
    22 November, 4:00-5:30 P.M.
    In the case of financial capital, it needs to be liquid and deployable. There is another form of capital: information. This capital is usually hidden in documents, folders, and subfolders. Because of this, too much of our knowledge is not deployable when it is needed. Personal Knowledge Management is about dramatically reducing your search time. That way, with your ideas on hand, you can leverage your effectiveness. We will help you figure out which tool will work best for you!

  • 5 - Personal growth through technology
    29 November, 4:00-5:30 P.M.

    As you may have noticed, the previous sessions have also helped you grow on a personal level. Now that you are able to quickly access, process, and store information you can gain insights that you previously couldn’t. In addition, you can let technology do things for you that you yourself are not that good at. We will help you find out what you can do to speed up your personal growth.

Your investment

Total cost €425 incl. VAT
NB: The training will commence when 15 people sign up.

Ready for more time and more head space?

Want to sign up someone else or a group?

Please use the form below and we’ll get to you in a timely fashion.