Our offers
Digitally Basic fit
€ 0
(yes, free!)
You will have access to:
The Community to get insights and answers. This is also the place to exchange ideas.
Video classes, documentaries, and inspiration
Your free membership is forever and with zero obligations.
€ 49,75
per month,
You will have access to:
The Community to get insights and answers. This is also the place to exchange ideas.
Video classes, documentaries, and inspiration
1-on-1 Kick-off session
Weekly live knowledge coffee webinars with personal attention
Access to an ever-growing library of webinars
4 Hours of 1-on-1 coaching
Digitally Top fit
This is an annual subscription. That means € 597.- (ex. VAT) is paid for 12 months of access.
Digitally Top fit Personal
€ 79,75
per month
You will have access to:
The Community to get insights and answers. This is also the place to exchange ideas.
Video classes, documentaries, and inspiration
1-on-1 Kick-off session
Weekly live knowledge coffee webinars with personal attention
Access to an ever-growing library of webinars
8 Hours of intense 1-on-1 coaching focusing, exclusively on your personal digital fitness.
This is an annual subscription. That means € 957.- (ex. VAT) is paid for 12 months of access.
Get Digitally Fit in 3 months
Starting 11 October 2022
Do you have ambitions to become digitally fitter, but just can’t seem to find the time?
We got you! With the right help and mentorship, you will regain time, resilience, and energy.
This autumn we’re launching a 3-month course that consists of masterclasses, mentorship, and a good incentive to get digitally fitter to boot!
Save hundreds of hours every year. Find more joy in your work and gain more head space.
A single workout is not going to do the trick…
In order to obtain physical fitness, you have to work out on a regular basis in order to start noticing any positive effects.
With digital fitness that’s no different because:
The jobs, responsibilities, and context of your work change on a regular basis
Digital tools change with every new release
More new digital tools become available every day
We’re noticing that knowledge workers are getting overwhelmed by the ever-growing amount of information they need to process and many of them still use their computers as glorified typewriters. We see an opportunity to regain an enormous amount of time, job satisfaction, resilience and energy!
Daarom hebben we bij Digitale Fitheid onze digitale sportschool geopend: we delen er onze kennis en ervaring, maar ook onze laatste ontdekkingen én we helpen jou en je team om digitaal fit te worden en te blijven.